Monday, February 25, 2008

Web Design: Appealing To The Hunter

On an early fall morning a hunter quietly makes his way through the vegetation as he follows the trail of deer. He recognizes the signs and knows that if he is quiet enough he may see one of the elegant beasts. He passed some fine specimen of sagebrush along the way and even a few particularly nice cedar trees, but his mind was on his prey not the particular varieties of flora he encountered.

Website Hunting

Believe it or not the scenario above is very similar to the way many web consumers approach your website. Sure you may have some really nice things to say, but they are on the hunt for something specific and they don’t have time to read everything you place on your website.

When it comes to web design you should always make full use of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies, but you should also follow that up with several of the keywords or phrases that you used as the target of your site in bold throughout your website and/or web page.

How to Reach Hunters

Since most consumers are ‘hunters’ you might also do well to include increased fonts sizes for headings that help consumers locate the information they are most interested in. This isn’t the only information that is important on your site it is just the information that is most important to your ‘hunting’ visitor.

Your site visitor is likely going to scan through your web pages seeking the information they want. If you make this difficult for your visitor to find they will ‘hunt’ elsewhere.

No Hunting Expected

We’ve all done online searches for a specific topic and then started visiting sites only to discover some with thousands of words and no reasonable way to scan through the text to find the information most needed. It is quite probable these sites have a wealth of information that would be beneficial, but the hunters are few and far between.

Give Me a Trail

Web users are trained hunters. If our web design efforts provide dense terrain with little sign of where the object of the hunt can be found the ‘hunter’ will find other hunting ground.

If our web design strategies can help lead users to what they want they will leave satisfied and are willing to come back again where they know the hunting is good.

If you have content written for you make sure the freelance author understand the goal of the content they are writing. Most freelance writers should be able to provide multiple headings to help visitors pinpoint the information they are most interested in.

About the Author:

Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of HighPowerSites and many other web projects. Get your own website online in just 5 minutes with HighPowerSites at: Start your own ebook business with BooksWealth at:

Read more articles by: Scott Lindsay
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Article published on May 24, 2007 at

Web Design: Quick Navigation

Many web design professionals tend to forget that not every visitor will enter through the front door. There are millions of site pages that are effectively a dead end. These pages may have content, but absolutely no links to send the visitor back to the home page nor does the page provide a clue as to the purpose and function of the website.

If a site visitor finds a link to your website through a search engine and lands on a page without navigation capabilities it is likely your site will be abandoned as they search for something more ‘complete’.

It is important that each page on your website feature a means of determining what your site is for, what you offer and how to get from one place to the next. If you have pages that are dead ends the chances diminish that your site will be as useful to customers as you want it to be.

Many sites are built with a front door mentality. In this scenario the home page is expected to be the landing pad for all visitors. In truth, search engines rank all site pages making it possible for a visitor to come into your site through a page other than the home page. Sure, you’re happy they came, but you have to give them a map to your site so they can really find what they need. In many cases this is done with a site map or common navigation links on all pages.

Another common web design faux pas is to burden your pages with high-resolution images and data. Most visitors will give your web page one-tenth of a second to begin downloading - if it takes too long to download the site visitor will likely move on.

There have been numerous sites I have visited that insist on placing midi music on each web page. This ‘gift’ increases download time and can be rather annoying if you happen to be listening to other desired online media.

I know the intent is to provide something unique for the site visitor, but as more audio is streamed over the Internet, the less interested we become in self-loading audio. The primary distraction is the lengthy download times these pages require.

The rule of thumb is to make every page navigable and quickly downloadable. These elements of web design can make an incredible difference in the usability of your web site.

About the Author:

Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of HighPowerSites and many other web projects. Get your own website online in just 5 minutes with HighPowerSites at: Start your own ebook business with BooksWealth at:

Read more articles by: Scott Lindsay
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Article published on May 24, 2007 at

Web Design: Content Procurement

There is a debate among web design experts as to who is responsible for procuring content for the website. Many professionals want the content to be the responsibility of the site owner. The reasoning is simple – the site owner should have a better understanding of the site products or services than the web designer.

The other side to the argument is that the web designer needs to assist the site owner in obtaining original knowledge-based articles to compliment the site. In this scenario the web designer also works with freelance writers to develop all site content. This includes everything from “How To” articles to the “About Us” and “Home Page” sections.

Many web designers are interested in developing the ‘look’ of the website without being responsible for what the content says. However, more and more web design experts are beginning to offer full content services as part of their monthly or annual contracts. Obviously the customer bears all costs related to the content, but many entrepreneurs enjoy less work in site management.

One element to this that you should consider is that the web designer will charge you a content fee. The content request is assigned and purchased from a third party freelance writer at a lesser amount. You could pay 100% more than you might if you had worked with a freelance writer on your own.

From this standpoint it makes sense for web design professionals to provide the service because it provides an added revenue stream for them.

If, as an ecommerce business, you can write or have someone write original content you may actually have greater options you can consider when it comes to web design.

One of the most readily available forms of content is free-to-use article directories. These articles can be used provided you make sure to place all content on your site. This will likely include a brief author biography along with a link to the author’s website. In most cases this is a reasonable exchange for the use of the article.

A secondary source could be adaptable content from a supplier. This information is generally provided at no cost due to your partnership with the supplier.

A third source is to go directly to a freelance writing source to gain your own original articles.

If one or more of these options is workable you may find a template rich web design/host is an alternative that is cost effective and empowering.

You’ll notice I said empowering. This comment was made because of the satisfaction of being able to immediately addressing and altering multiple aspects of the site on your own and without the need for knowledge in html or other coding language can help you take ownership of your own site.

Perhaps it all comes down to your budget and to your willingness and ability to manage the content requirements of your website.

About the Author:

Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of HighPowerSites and many other web projects. Get your own website online in just 5 minutes with HighPowerSites at: Start your own ebook business with BooksWealth at:

Read more articles by: Scott Lindsay
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Article published on May 24, 2007 at

Friday, February 22, 2008

Web Design: Give Me Bullets

Did you know there is an essential difference between the way web designers look at the way they design a web page and the way the consumer evaluates the effectiveness of a web design.


* Web Designer: Interested in every subtle nuance of color, graphic and texture.
* Consumer: Interested in how fast the page loads.

* Web Designer: Includes links throughout the design for a variety of locations within the web design.
* Consumer: Clicks on the first promising link and hopes it’s something interesting.

* Web Designer: Interested in the color coordination and presentation of design.
* Consumer: Searches for bullet points to help gauge whether the site will be useful.

Content over Creativity

In many web designs the site is built on the premise that the beauty of the site is what will win customers. The consumer, on the other hand, has seen hundreds of sites and is often only curious to know if your site is going to help them or not.

The average consumer will only read knowledge-based articles that catch their attention. Consumers often determine an article’s usefulness by scanning. If they lock in on material that connects they will stick around, if not they go back to ‘clicking for gold’.

Get to the Point

Unlike a television commercial, the consumer doesn’t have to wait to find out what they most want to know about your company. They can skip to the best parts, the end parts or they leave-whenever-they-want parts.

It may work to your advantage to use multiple bullet points as well as multiple sub headings in an effort to help the consumer gain a quick understanding of what is in the article or page content and to find out quickly what they want to know.

For many consumers if you can’t provide these bits of detail they will keep searching until they find it.

Hurry, We’re Losing Them

Obviously not all consumers are like this, but many have grown up in an MTV society where the attention span is used to quick bits of information. So, the reality of web design is you may need to work to provide quick, segmented bits of information that work as a quick index of page information that can help consumers connect with your website.


You may find you can actually reach consumers through a template rich web design/hosting option that allows you to develop content that is geared more toward the consumer and less to the sensibilities of a web designer.

Whatever method you chose for web design make sure you attempt to gain an understanding of how consumers actually ‘view’ your site. This understanding may help you discover the best ways to really connect with those who want a reason to stick around.

About the Author:

Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of HighPowerSites and many other web projects. Get your own website online in just 5 minutes with HighPowerSites at: Start your own ebook business with BooksWealth at:

Read more articles by: Scott Lindsay
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Article published on May 24, 2007 at

Using Flash Slideshow In Your Web Design

If you looking for a flash slide show solution with thumbnail preview, it would be helpful to see lots of thumbnails and load dynamically, with advanced visual effects, the bigger image if the thumbnail is clicked.

Now this is a lot of work with Macromedia Flash and you need a good Flash skill; the cost of this quality will be very expensive.

The Flash software is quite complicated, but the results can be well worth the effort, .for many people it just seems too expensive and complicated option.

However, there are many simple and cost-effective web design solutions available that will create a quality flash slideshow for as little as a few dollars.

You can't afford to pay a web site designer to design a Flash slideshow for you.

So how do you get around this problem? Actually it is very easy, and as always there are options!


The solution is the stand alone program that allows you to construct a flash slideshow without knowing any Macromedia Flash. Among the better ones is A2 Flash slideshow Editor which comes in two softwares: BUILDER and COMPOSER.

Think of these as personal and business.

How it work:

A2 Flash slideshow Editor is very easy to use, in 5 steps, with the A2 Flash BUILDER, you create, in minutes, your flash slideshow with thumbnails, transitions, zoom, interactive controls and advanced visual effects. Your clients will be absolutely jazzed by the flash slideshow You will produce for their websites.

Step 1: Add Images, text and sound. Step 2 choose your flash slideshow templates from a great number of these. Step 3: Add effects, transition and much more. Step 4: Publish your flash slideshow. That’s all.

Customizing your A2 Flash slideshow Templates with A2 Flash COMPOSER is easy

Step 1: From A2 Flash BUILDER select the Flash template to modify.

Step 2: Launch the Composer Sw.

Step 3: Change position, dimensions, animations, masks and much more like you want.

Step 4: See preview. Step 5 Create in seconds your 100% customized Flash template.

By purchasing a sw like A2 Flash slideshow Editor you will greatly reduce the cost of the design and as a bonus, you will know from the start what it will look like when it is finished.

Okay, here's the way to do a perfect Flash slideshow.

About the Author:

For more information on using A2 Flash slideshow Editor please visit our website: Samples:

Read more articles by: Luigi Bianchi
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Article published on May 23, 2007 at

Web Design: Non-searchable Text

Web design pulls from many different schools of thought in the development and implementation of the pages ultimately designed. It is possible to use creative graphics imposed over text for a creative look, but in the end it will not help achieve positive site rankings. You can employ Flash design and still find a lackluster response by search engines. You can even develop beautiful brochures that are downloadable by Portable Document Files (pdf) and have little positive gain in site rankings.

Why does all this work seem fruitless? The answer lies in the title of this article. In each case the information presented is absolutely unsearchable by search engines.

To be clear, the content on a web page is only useful to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) purposes if the content that is read is a text format. If the content is not text it will have no value to your SEO objectives.

Text in JPG (or other graphic file)

This method of showing text has been around the longest and is probably the least used today. Essentially the premise is to create text and graphics, save them as a photographic element and then place them on the website. It would be much better to place all text in the body of your web page and then insert optimized photos throughout the text.

Portable Document File

Some web designers may want to deliver an attractive brochure, manual, or other document as a pdf file that is downloadable by the end user. This does, in fact, provide a great tool for those individuals that may already know of the file and a download in a fully produced format is just what they need. However, if the text would benefit your website in SEO strategies you might consider allowing a text version to appear on your site with an alternate pdf download for those who need it.

If you are concerned about copyright infringement you may not want to make the full text available online. In this case you should develop a keyword rich summary that will be searchable while refraining from publishing the full text (except in a non-altering pdf).


The use of flash combines great imagery with audio and animation, however, this creative design feature does not assist search engines in ranking your site in more favorable ways.

Some sites are developing a hybrid site. The first side of the website is pure Flash, with the other side is text driven. In this case the end user has the opportunity to utilize all the features of Flash while the text driven side provides search engines with all the searchable information needed for positive site rankings.

Today’s rule of thumb – when seeking improved site rankings, use text.

About the Author:

Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of HighPowerSites and many other web projects. Get your own website online in just 5 minutes with HighPowerSites at: Start your own ebook business with BooksWealth at:

Read more articles by: Scott Lindsay
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Article published on May 16, 2007 at

Four Principles Of Basic Web Design

In this day and age where anyone, including a five year old, can use software tools to write a basic web page it is more important than ever to be aware of and follow some of the principles of basic web design. This list of web design basics is by no means definitive, there are many other issues that come into play when publishing web pages on the Internet. However, following these simple rules will keep your pages looking clean and provide a good first impression to your viewers.

1. Conserve bandwidth wherever possible and start with your photographs and images. Broadband Internet access is still not universal, and even though current estimates point to nearly 80 percent of US households having Broadband we must still optimize our web pages simply as a matter of courtesy. Always use an image editor to reduce the size of images down to the exact size you want them to display on your web page. Never use HTML comments to make a large image squeeze down into a smaller package. Also, make certain that all images are down-sampled to only 72dpi in resolution. Computer monitors can only display images at 72dpi so anything higher is wasted bandwidth. Another great rule of thumb is to attempt to keep the total page size (including all images and scripts) to under 50k. This is very difficult to do, but small web pages load incredibly fast and get your information to the reader much more efficiently.

2. Think about the way you align text and images on each page. Centered alignments are very weak visually. They are difficult to read, and simply don't use the space well. Left justified or right justified texts create smooth, clean lines that give the viewers eyes something to lock on to and focus their attention. You can further accentuate the alignment of the elements on your page by carefully using the edges of your images as guides for these alignments. Have your image be the left or right hand border of a text block. The image captures the attention of the viewer and the neatly aligned text makes the viewer want to read the information on the web page.

3. Pick a graphic or logo and design your web page's color scheme based on that graphic. At the same time don't be afraid to break with the color scheme of your company, school, or organization. Some colors look great on paper but look lousy on a computer screen.

4. Don't create it if you are not going to update it! Nothing says "WE DON'T CARE!" as much as an organization's web site that has old, stale, and outdated information on the home page. If you know that you will not have the time to update regularly then create a web page that will not go stale after a certain date. Present your information in present tense without any reference to dates or times. For more detailed and time critical web sites consider using a content management system (CMS) such as Joomla in place of writing raw HTML web pages.

About the Author:

Chad Criswell is a highly successful web publisher, music educator, and band director. His web site, Music Education Magic provides daily updates and information on a large variety of music and general education topics.
Read more articles by: Chad Criswell
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Article published on May 18, 2007 at

Monday, February 18, 2008

Bad Web Design And Mistakes

Okay, we know we all need to pay the bills. I know that many of us want to get traffic to our web sites. And some of us just want to make enough money to pay for our costs so that this thing we love to do is free.

But, come on, that doesn't mean you should plaster a hundred ads or a dozen banners on every page of your web site. A banner here and there, a small button or a few text links is fine, but I've seen some web sites that have dozens and a few that have hundreds of ads on each page! Now this is just tacky and is virtually guaranteed to get your visitors to hit that handy back button fast.

One of the worst kinds of web sites, in my opinion, are those that are just huge advertisements. Especially those that are advertisements for dozens or even hundreds of other services. People do not surf the web looking for banners, text links and other advertisements to click on. In fact, statistically, most people are surfing because they are looking for (a) information, (b) entertainment, or (c) someone to talk to. Most web surfers are not looking for something to purchase.

A good web site offers excellent content (which can be graphics, text or interactive features). Even those sites which sell something also offer content which is of interest to their visitors. Go take a look at any really good shopping site and you will see what I mean. Look at Amazon or Barnes And Noble and you will understand - these sites offer tons of content. Reviews of their products, consumer comments and large amounts of data about the items being sold. This is what people want - information. Some common things on web site that you should never do.

Notices saying "please, pretty please, keep my site free and click on something". This just makes you look like a rank amateur. In my humble opinion, it's very tacky to expect people to click on links just so you can "keep your site free". Come up with or find a good product or service, and sell it if you must. Advertising is not in of itself of value – only products or services have value.

Web sites that are just advertisements - I suppose there is a place for brochures or full site advertisements, but I personally hit the back key as soon as I run into one of these. I want content. If I wanted this many advertisements I'd buy a magazine or look in the classified section of the newspaper.

Any large graphic advertisements. Remember one of the very important things in web design is load time. Your site must load fast. If you include large graphic ads you are increase your load times.

Popup Windows - If you do a survey of web surfers, you will find that these are among the most hated "features" that exist. No one likes pop up windows, and if your site has too many of them you will loose visitors fast. Oh, you may get a few more clicks or signups for your newsletter, but the amount of time your visitors remain on your site will be limited and of less quality.

About the Author:

Emmanuel & Lloyd Scott are specialists in Information Technology and have an online business for web templates and design COPYRIGHT 2006 ©Lloyd & Emmanuel D. Scott
Read more articles by: Emmanuel Scott
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Article published on March 20, 2007 at

Web Design Elements You Should Avoid

As a web designer, you should design your websites to give your visitors the greatest ease of use, the best impression and most important of all a welcoming experience.

It doesn't matter if you had the greatest product in the whole world -- if your website is poorly done you won't be able to sell even one copy of it because visitors will be driven off your website by the lousy design.

When I'm talking about a "good design", I'm not only talking about a good graphical design.

A professional web design will be able to point out that there are many components which contribute to a good website design -- accessibility design, interface or layout design, user experience design and of course the most straightforward, which is graphic design.

Hence, I have highlighted some features of the worst web designs I've come across. Hopefully, you will be able to compare that against your own site as a checklist and if anything on your site fits the criteria, you should know it's high time to take serious action!

1) Background music

Unless you are running a site which promotes a band, a CD or anything related to music, I would really advise you to stay away from putting looping background music onto your site.

It might sound pleasant to you at first, but imagine if you ran a big site with hundreds of pages and everytime a visitor browses to another page on your site, the background music starts playing again.

If I were your visitor, I'd just turn off my speakers or leave your site. Moreover, they just add to the visitors burden when viewing your site -- users on dial up connections will have to wait longer just to view your site as it is meant to be viewed.

About the Author:

Find out how you can build a large list very fast: Generate Massive Web Traffic

Read more articles by: Gerald Mason
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Article published on February 26, 2007 at

Web Design: The Simple Complexities

“There's a better way to do it. Find it.” - Thomas Edison

There may be joy in web design, but often the joy rings hollow when there are multiple steps to create something that may not even work. Certainly there are individuals who thrive on learning various web codes and how to make them work together, but this is not often the case.

“Recognizing the need is the primary condition for design.” - Charles Eames

If the need is to create an ecommerce website then you have a target for what will ultimately become your web design. The design should never come before discovering the need.

“A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked.” - John Gall

The complexities of web design can be distilled in a template rich web design and web hosting solution that pulls together some of the best web design tools and allows the complex system of web design to be developed in a simplified system that does not require a degree in computer language.

“Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way.” - Edward de Bono

The established pattern has often been to find a web designer who can create something totally unique to your need. This may be a practical means of developing your website, but when you factor in creativity you may discover that the use of website design tools already in existance may allow you to personally create something in a ‘different way’. The result may help you to feel more gratification knowing you were the one who created your ecommerce site.

“Out of intense complexities intense simplicities emerge.” - Winston Churchill

It is possible that by discovering the complexities that can be associated with web design you may see, with clarity, a solution that is low cost and driven by your own personality and tastes.

The use of a template rich system is that, as technology advances and new methods become available, your website can literally morph into these new design methods with your site design host assembling upgrades that will benefit your ecommerce site as your business grows.

“Design and programming are human activities; forget that and all is lost.” - Bjarne Stroustrup

A comprehensive web design solution provides the means to place your humanity into the design elements of your website and may well be the ecommerce solution best suited to your need.

About the Author:

Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of HighPowerSites and many other web projects. Get your own website online in just 5 minutes with HighPowerSites at: Start your own ebook business with BooksWealth at:

Read more articles by: Scott Lindsay
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Article published on February 16, 2007 at

Web Site Navigation & Design

It seems that one of the hardest things to get right in web design is creating proper layout and navigation. Sometimes a web site will be very rich in content, except that traffic will suffer due to poor navigational structure. In other words, navigation has become one of the key ingredients in developing sustainable, long-term traffic to your site.

Your site tree:

Often before you even get into the graphical aspects of your site, it is useful to think about the content that you will have for your site and brainstorm possible navigational schemes, otherwise known as site trees. These trees describe the way in which your site branches out into articles, products and services, and any other additional sections you may have. You would be surprised how different tree layouts can be created, but not all are created equal.

As an example, let’s say that you have a site that has the following pages:

•Home page

•About us






Generally speaking, the root of your website will be your home page or index page which serves as the main landing destination of your visitors. From here, they should be able to easily reach many parts of your site, often within 2 clicks or less, and be able to return to your home page with ease. Depending on the size and nature of your site, you may need to create ‘deep’ links, (3 or more clicks away from your homepage), but they should only be used for very specific information. As an example, there is no reason why the 7 pages listed above shouldn’t be accessible from your home page, as they are very broad categories.

Content Layout

What is essential in laying out your content is that from every portion of your site your visitors should know where they are (through the use of titles and graphics), where they can go (using navigational and contextual links), and how they can get back (either to previous pages or back to the home page).

Once you have developed your site tree it’s time to think about where to place your links. There two most popular are header links and sidebar links. Many sites use a combination of these two. Others use only header links.

Drop down menus can also provide readers an easy way to get to a number of different pages in one click. This is particularly useful when you have a variety of content, as it saves people from ‘drilling down’ through multiple pages to get to a variety of content. This also helps you avoid the problem of deep links, pages which are three or more clicks from your home page.

One of the best ways to provide a way back to the home page is to place your company logo in the top-left left corner of every page in your site, and have it link to your home page. Not only is the logo a well-known way of getting back to the index page of a website, but it also allows you to consistently brand your identity throughout your site. It’s important to remind your readers that the pages and content were created by you!

For top and sidebar navigation links, try to stick to common names that people are used to. You will have the opportunity to get into more detailed subjects within your content, but it is often better to provide your readers with easily recognizable buttons and names which they are able to intuitively understand.

Anchor links can also be a useful way to contextually link to other pages in your site. If you have a paragraph that alludes to another product or service, you can simply anchor link some text in that paragraph like this. While this is a common way to link to other sites of interest, it’s also a great way to link to other pages within your site. These shouldn’t really replace your header or sidebar links, but serve as a supplemental means of navigation.

Adding a good site map will place the finishing touch on your site. Site maps are a summary of the entire layout of your site, and often use text links to allow your reader to get to any part of your site. Readers who are searching for something specific in your site will sometimes refer to site maps.


Eye-catching graphics, when combined with a strong layout and structure will ensure that your visitors stay a while. It is also one of the ways you can separate yourself from the competition, as there are many websites out there with very standard layouts and just a few short paragraphs.

Do not underestimate unique photo stills when designing your website. When integrated properly, they can be one of the most effective ways of personalizing a web design. Photos and graphics are sure to add visual eye-candy to your information and content.

And of course, a well-designed logo is a must! It should be one of the first things your reader sees when entering your site. It can also be useful to have your logo integrated into a banner-style graphic and add it to your header for a more integrated feel.

When it comes to graphics however, you should be careful that you don’t overdue things. Bandwidth intensive video may turn away some of your potential visitors due to slow loading times etc. Because of this, you are often better to go with simple flash animations that will spice up your website without placing unnecessary demands on your readers’ computers and connections.

About the Author:

LogoBee is a leading creator of custom logo design and stationery for all types of businesses. They're now providing their own in-house web design service. Visit them at:

Read more articles by: Russell Arsenault
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Article published on September 13, 2007 at

Welcome To The World Of CSS Web Design

Although CSS was first introduced in the mid 1990s, it did not become a mainstream tool among web designers and masters until more recent years. This is unfortunate, because there are millions of poorly designed web sites cluttering the internet that could be easily improved with the help of CSS.

So what exactly is CSS? CSS is an acronym that stands for Cascading Style Sheets. The term Cascading Style Sheets implies two things. First off, the style sheets are cascading. This means that multiple style sheets can be used for a single web page. Additionally, the term “cascading” also refers to the way a style is determined in the event that more than one rule matches a single element. The second thing that is implied by the name Cascading Style Sheets is that the purpose of CSS is to style web pages. Whereas the purpose of HTML (or XHTML) is to define the structure of a web page, the purpose of CSS is to define the presentation.

The reason that so many web pages have broken layouts in different browsers is because they try to use HTML to control the structure and presentation of the page. The most common abuse of HTML is attempting to use tables as a presentation method. Although you may be able to achieve the look you want in a single browser, your web page will look broken and distorted in many other browsers. The only time that tables should be used is to hold a set of data (such as the results from a scientific experiment). If you do have a legitimate use for tables on your web page, you can even use CSS to style your table and make it more attractive.

By taking the time to learn CSS, you will be able to create a web page that looks much more consistent across a variety of browsers.

About the Author:

To keep up with all the latest news and information throughout the webmaster community, make sure to visit and bookmark the Daily Web Dev Blog.
Read more articles by: Joshua Dundrin
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Article published on February 12, 2007 at

Friday, February 15, 2008

Advantages Of A Professional Web Design Vs Doing It Yourself

Your website says a great deal about you and your business. It can make the difference between making a sell and the consumer using another website for their purchase. It is quite possible to design a website on your own, but it isn’t always the best choice.

A professional web designer has insight about what consumers are going to focus on and how to set your site up to offer them exactly what they are looking for. They are also very skilled in how to promote various aspects of your website to help you generate even more sales.

Having a professional design your website generally means you won’t have to spend so much of your time focusing on this aspect of the business. Websites continually need changes and updates so you can see how that will eat away at your time. This means the navigation tools will often need revamping to keep up with such changes. A professional web designer is an expert in making everything fall into place. You want the consumer to be able to click and access on your website without having to consider how to make it happen.

A professional web designer does cost more than doing it yourself, but you can avoid common mistakes that plague do it your self website projects. A huge issue is the scripting of the website. It takes more than good spelling and grammar to make it interesting and attractive to the consumer. Graphic designs look great, but do you know how they affect the consumer? It may attract their attention but if it takes too long for the graphic to open they will likely move on to another website.

You can avoid both of these issues by placing your web design needs into the hand of a professional web designer.

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Visit National Web Design for a professional web design for your business:
Read more articles by: Gabriel Adams
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Article published on January 24, 2007 at

Web Page Design Tool

If you are looking for a web page design tool then there are a few things you will need figure out, such as:

How experienced you are in web page design
What is the purpose of the web page you’ll be designing
How detailed will your page need to be
How experienced you are using HTML editors
What kind of a budget are you working with

How experienced you are in web page design? I ask this because some web page design tools are built for the novice while others are built for the experienced. As you might imagine a web page design tool for the more experienced will have many more features than those that are created for the beginning web page designer.

If you are new to designing a web page then they are many things you will need to learn about how a web page is laid out and the things you can do with a web page. My suggestion for the novice is to find a web page design tool that provides step by step instructions and allows you to point and click to design your web page.

Next we have to decide why we are building a web page. Though this seems like a silly question it makes a difference in whether we can use a simple web page design tool or if we need one with more tools and options. Most of the web page design tools provided by many of the internet service providers are find for a simple profile type web page, but if you are going to use your web page to make money over the internet then you will need a web page design tool that is a bit more sophisticated.

That brings us to our next point, how detailed will our web page need to be. Again, if you are just starting out and you don’t have a whole lot going on your page then you can use a very simple web page design tool versus a complicated HTML editor.

If you don’t have much experience then you will want to find a web page design tool that is simple to use yet will allow you to create a professional looking page. Most web page design tool or HTML editors will require a basic knowledge of HTML code and how to lay out a web page, if you are brand knew to building a web page then you’re going to have to either spend some time studying HTML code or find a step by step type web page design tool. In the beginning I would suggest starting off with the simpler web page design tool then work your way into the more complex ones after you have some experience building web pages.

Cost is another issue to consider. A web page design tool price will range from free to a few hundred dollars. A warning about free web page design tools, most of the ones you find will have many limitations and you will soon find yourself looking from a new program. But there is also no reason to go out and purchase the most expensive web page design tool out there. You can find a number of them at a very reasonable price that will do everything you will need to do.

Remember, when choosing a web page design tool think about how much help you will need, how detailed your web page will be and what your budget is. Happy Web Page Designing.

About the Author:

Victoria Hargis has been a web developer for over 10 years. Take all the fear out of web site design, Learn to Build a Web Page with a revolutionary new Web Page Design Tool. Follow the step by step, point and click web page design tool Go to:

Read more articles by: Victoria
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Article published on January 22, 2007 at

Internet Web Page Design

Internet web page design is something we must master if we are to build a successful internet business. Most novices jump into a internet business opportunity with very little knowledge of both the internet and internet web page design.

If you wish to learn internet web page design then it’s best to start with the basics. There are a number of HTML editor programs that are available, some are free while others cost as much as a few hundred dollars. The trick to learning internet web page design is to find a program that is both easy to use and allows you to build a professional looking internet web page.

Where to begin. If you don’t have any experience in internet web page design then I would suggest you find an HTML editor program that provides step by step instructions and a point and click interface. By using this type of internet web page design program to begin with you will learn the basic fundamentals of internet web page design and create a professional looking page at the same time.

If you have a little experience in internet web page design then you may want to find a little more advanced HTML editor. With this type of program you will be able to build a little more advanced internet web page design, one down side is the cost of the program, another is the time required to learn how it works.

You see, each internet web page design program runs basically the same way but each program has its own little quirks which can drive you nuts if you don’t know what they are. The other problem you run into is that when you have an error on your web page it can be extremely hard to track down, especially if you are a novice to internet web page design.

Internet web page design is both a technical and artistic process. Some times it is better to use a simple internet web page design program to take care of the technical part of the equation while you put most of your effort into the artistic aspect of building your web page.

Whatever you decide to do make sure you choose a internet web page design that is not above you capabilities but will allow you to build a professional looking internet web page.

About the Author:

Victoria Hargis has been a web developer for over 10 years. Take all the fear out of Building web page with a revolutionary new Web Site Design Product. Follow the step by step point and click web site design system to build a web site in less than 2 hours. Go to

Read more articles by: Victoria
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Article published on January 22, 2007 at

Best Web Site Design Software

There are many different ways to build a web site, some are easy and some a little more complicated but one thing for sure it’s a lot easier if we can find the best web site design software.

But no matter which web site design software we use there are a number of mistakes we should avoid:

Mistake #1: Using too large of a graphic header on the top of your page.
Mistake #2: Using “washed out” colors that make your web site feel drab and lifeless. Or
using colors that are WAY too bright.
Mistake #3: Using more than four colors (one of those being black!) on your web site.
Mistake #4: Using more than four different TYPES of fonts on the same page.
Mistake #5: Displaying your sales “message” on a dark colored background!
Mistake #6: Using too many “tricked out” scripts at once which causes browser “freeze”
Mistake #7: Cramming way too much content into too small of a space. (Not enough white space.)
Mistake #8: Using “busy” or “watermarked” background patterns.
Mistake #9: Specifying fonts that are TOO SMALL!
(This isn’t so much a design mistake as it is one related to the overall process...)
Mistake #10: Not clearly identifying your offer.

It doesn’t matter if you have the best web site design software on the planet if you make these mistakes your web site is doomed to fail. So which web site design software should we use? That really depends on a number of factors, level of experience, the product you’re promoting, how detailed you want you site.

Normally I don’t promote a product in my articles but since we’re here to talk about the best web site design software, I’ll mention a couple of them. The first is CoffeeCup HTML editor, this is the first web site design software I ever used, I found it bulky and hard to use, the next was a web site design software called Dreamweaver. Dreamweaver is a decent program but it’s pretty tuff for the beginner to use.

The Best Web Site Design Software I've found is called:
Design Dashboard:

As far as I’m concerned this is the best web site design software there is. It walks you step-by-step through what to do and how to do it. Every step is clearly laid out and labeled with big, blue numbers and step-by-step screen caps (with support by video as needed).

Saves you tons of time. All you do is click and follow the instructions. You don't have to try to figure out what's next. You just click the next icon and follow the steps. The step-by-step screen caps make it much faster and easier to use and follow than programs that are all videos.

Something for you if you're a beginner or advanced student. Design Dashboard was created for beginners. But there are a few steps for advanced students as well. For example, you get EXCLUSIVE patterns that beat the heck out of the defaults in Photoshop or Elements. Those alone are worth the price.

I hope I’ve made your search for the best web site design software a little easier.

About the Author:

Victoria Hargis has been a web developer for over 10 years. Take all the fear out of Building web page with a revolutionary new Web Site Design Product. Follow the step by step point and click web site design system to build a web site in less than 2 hours. Go to

Read more articles by: Victoria
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Article published on January 22, 2007 at

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Web Design Extreme Makeover

The development of a web design must be intentional and with purpose. I know this runs counter to any idea of freeform and learning as you go, but there is a solid reason for making sure you know where you’re going before you try to get there.

Because Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies can take so long to have a pronounced effect on your website, and subsequently your traffic, it becomes important to make sure your website matches your objectives by at least 85% before you launch it.

If you need to take time to learn as you go then try doing so through an affiliate revenue program and a site designed for that purpose. Using web builder technology you can build a site at little expense while exploring the possibilities in design and function.

What you learn from this exercise can assist you in bridging the gap between experiment and experience. This will be important as you consider diving into ecommerce.

Some of the standard pitfalls for most web designs are that the pages have already been established and you know what you want to put into each page, but you don’t actually finish the content before you launch. What you end up with is an opening page that gives the consumer high expectations and subsequent pages that are either blank or have the dreaded words, “Coming Soon” or “Under Construction”.

This can be a death wish for your website. Complete it before you release it online. Call in help from freelancers if you need to, utilize free article directories when appropriate, ask advice from someone you trust who has been through web designs and make sure every page is functional and informative.

You wouldn’t start a brick and mortar business without the racks, merchandise and essential items to make your business wholly presentable to customers. Imagine, if you will, a business that placed two 55 gallon steel drums on the floor of their showroom and them placed a couple of 2x12 wooden planks on top to display their latest high dollar jewelry while a couple of mismatched chairs sit in the corner for customer convenience.

This would never instill trust in the product or the personality behind the business and the same is true of a half finished website designed for the consumer.

When you present a fully optimized website that is developed with both the consumer as well as the search engines in mind you stand a much better chance at reaching both of them successfully.

Unlike a brick and mortar store you do not have to live with the sign, “Pardon our mess”. You can develop a new website offline and upgrade the entire system when you need to.

This article is really for both existing businesses as well as businesses planning to launch. If you have an existing business online, but your website is not what it needs to be block out some time right now to begin web design on an entirely new site. You can redirect your domain when you’re ready, but web-building technology can help you achieve that next level in site design that will make the important marketing connections you need to really get noticed online.

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Online Website Design with or Easy Website Design at Get ebooks to sell at
Read more articles by: Scott Lindsay
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Article published on December 25, 2007 at

Common Web Design Mistakes

Bad Navigation

You want to make sure your users do not have any trouble finding information. It is a good practice to have a set of your main links at the top of the page as well as the bottom. It is more convenient for your users to click on a link at the bottom of your page than to have to scroll to the top of the page.

Create drop down menus. Your visitor should not have to click on one page in order to find a link to navigator to another page. Users will get frustrated and leave if they can not find what they are looking for.

Slow Loading Pages

I do not know what is more annoying than going to a website and waiting for it to load. Visitors do not want to wait for their information. We live in a fast pace world and want everything immediately.

High quality graphics and rich interactive media is the number one course for slow loading web pages. I know your website will look more attractive with these rich graphics but it is not worth it. Export your images at a lower quality to achieve faster loading pages.

Unattractive Color Scheme

This is an important and underrated area in web design. You want your visitors to feel comfortable. Do not design your website so that it is a strains their eyes. Have warm attractive colors that compliment each other well.

Do not use bright backgrounds. Having a red, yellow or green background can draw to much attention from the users and they will be distracted from what is important on the website. In addition, do not use dark text on a dark background. You should make sure your text is easy to read and is more prominent than the background.

Page Layout

Be consistent. Consistency is important. Do not make each page different. Make sure they all look the same and the navigation is always in the same location. Have the important information located at a section that is easy to find and do not forget to have a common theme throughout the site.

Sideways Scrolling

Most developers are aware of this web design malpractice. I do not see many websites where the users have to scroll horizontally. If they have to they most likely will not scroll and could miss valuable information.

Non-Cross Browser Optimization

Just because your website looks perfect in Internet Explorer does not mean it will look the same in other browsers. Each browser handles HTML Tags differently. Be careful when designing your website. Constantly check your websites progress and make sure it is compatible in all browsers.

Not Taking Advantage of SEO

Optimize your website. The only excuse for not having a search engine optimized website is laziness. Add a title to your website, META tags, ALT tags, relevant content, title tags on links and other SEO practices. Internet marketing is its own beast to tackle.

Internet marketing takes a lot of time and dedication, but making sure your website is SEO friendly is the first step to attract a lot of traffic to your website.

About the Author:

Mike Creati is the owner of a web design company called Lunico Design LLC, ( He also has his bachelor degree in computer science and is a member of Tau Alpha Pi.
Read more articles by: Mike Creati
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Article published on August 01, 2007 at

Web Design, Development And Testing

Many organizations are interested in building web applications for their business but are unaware of the various steps that are needed to build a compelling web application. In this article I will attempt to put together the various pieces of the puzzle. Application development involves several distinct efforts that need to come together to build a compelling end product. A compelling end product is the combination of design, development architecture, development implementation, automated regression and functional testing and performance and load testing.

Design: People often confuse design with development. Moreover even within design, user interface design is often confused with graphics design. Web user interface design involves the design of the flow of the website and the layout of the specific web pages within the website. The web user interface designer concentrates on the usability of the application. The user interface designer will typically develop "wireframes" using tools like Adobe Photoshop to convey the design. These are often initially developed as prototypes and usability testing is carried with user groups out to ensure that the web application will be intuitive and easy to use. Graphics design on the other hand relates to the aesthetics of the page. The graphics designer is responsible for the aesthetic layout of the pages and the creation of the various graphical objects inside the pages such as images and flash objects. The graphics Designer will typically use a combination of tools such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Captivate to create the actual graphics objects. A designer will need to work closely with other groups to make sure the design process does not compromise the performance of the application by making sure that the graphics objects are small thus ensuring that the various web performance metrics are unaffected.

Development: This involves converting the design into an actual application. The development typically involves an architectural phase where the underlying modules that make up the application are scoped out. If persistent data storage is needed, a database schema should be designed to accommodate the data storage needs. The choice of the operating system (e.g. Windows, Linux or Solaris) where the web application will run, the web server (e.g. Microsoft IIS, Apache or Tomcat) which will run the web application and the back end database (e.g. Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL or Postgres) which stores the data will need to be made. Various development frameworks are available to build web applications. The most common ones are ASP and ASP.NET from Microsoft, Java Servlets and JSP from Sun, PHP and Perl that are open source. The choice of the application framework is typically dictated by the strengths of the members of the development team. The architectural phase is followed by the implementation phase. This is typically the longest part of the project and during this phase the actual code is written using the design specifications and graphics objects developed by the design team. The programming will typically be done using a combination of the application frameworks mentioned earlier together with HTML, JavaScript and CSS style sheets.

Quality Assurance and Testing: A surprising number of people are of the view that quality assurance and testing is desirable but is not actually needed. Unfortunately this view has its roots in total ignorance of the process that is needed to build a good end product. Regardless of how pretty or slick we make the application, if it does not work as expected, users will reject it. Quality assurance and testing involve two different kinds of tasks. Functional and regression testing is used to verify that the developed application is doing what it is supposed to do. This is achieved by test automation using a functional testing tool. Load and Performance testing is used to ensure that the application performs as intended when it is subjected to the typical load of a production environment. Load testing is practically speaking impossible to perform without using an automated load testing tool since it involves the simulation of a large number of concurrent virtual users. This effect cannot really be achieved manually and needs the assistance of an application that is designed to subject the application to a specified load and then measure its performance when it is subjected to that load. Quality Assurance teams will need to track the bugs or defects in the application using bug tracking tools. Such tools will allow defects to be tracked by all members of the team.

The three groups mentioned above tend to be specialized for their skill set. As an example, people often make the mistake of using developers as quality assurance testers. This is not a wise strategy because most developers who are good at writing software are quite poor at finding bugs or defects in their own software.

Writing good and compelling web applications requires an understanding of all phases of the process, design, development and quality assurance. Skipping phases or taking shortcuts will result in low quality software that will generally cost more in the long run.

About the Author:

Umair Khan is Chairman of Verisium, Inc., maker of vPerformer (performance & load testing) and vTest (functional testing).
Read more articles by: Umair Khan
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Article published on September 28, 2007 at

Web Design Breaking Down The Walls

The Internet has broken down multiple walls between cultures, generations and economic boundaries. The Internet is available to anyone. While this is certainly a powerful dynamic this article is not about your ability to connect with a worldwide consumer base.

The broken down walls that I’m talking about come in the form of access to a wide variety of talented freelancers who can kick your website up a notch.

An online business owner can tap into the developed talent pool featuring writers, photographers, code experts and video and audio streaming specialists. All of whom can bring their own wealth of expertise to any given project or collaboration.

Let me give you an example of these broken down walls. In the world of publishing there are writers who send in material to be reviewed with the potential for publishing. Often what is sent is not a close enough fit with what the publishing company feels they need. Many publishers have begun to use the internet to network with writers, illustrators, editors and fact checkers to develop projects on a ‘work for hire’ basis that allows the publishing company to draw from a countrywide talent pool to develop a singular project that closely aligns with their original idea for publishing.

This is the same concept for web design. You have the ability to work with global talent to match your needs when it comes to your site design and content needs utilizing experts in the specific design elements you may need.

Not everyone is gifted in all areas of site design. Typically a web designer is gifted at layout, but may not be overly conscious of what makes for good content. On the other hand a content producer may not be especially interested in learning how to make the words look nice in the finished page design. Online graphic art companies like istock and allow you to find artistic elements that compliment your site design while remaining cost effective and as non-intrusive as you need them to be.

By the very nature of freelancing a solid team can be put together that works for your good. If you had to hire each of these professionals to work in your firm the cost would likely be prohibitive, but when called upon these professionals can perform the needed tasks efficiently and affordably.

There is something satisfying about developing and completing a project all by yourself, but if you don’t have the patience or maybe even the expertise you’d like when it comes to web design and functionality then it might be time to call in the freelancers. The good news is they work for you only when you need them. When you get to the point where you can manage some of the design elements on your own then you simply stop contacting the freelancers for help the area you have become skilled in.

Freelancers fill in the gaps until you are ready to do it yourself, but it’s also good to know they are just a click away whenever you need to reassemble to team.

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Online Website Design with or Easy Website Design at Get ebooks to sell at
Read more articles by: Scott Lindsay
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Article published on December 18, 2007 at

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Thinking Offshore Web Design? Think Again!

Offshore web design firms promise ultimate convenience and savings to businesses around the world. Many companies even decide to hop aboard the outsource wagon and hire these design firms. In many cases, they get more than they bargained for.

While it is true that many offshore web design firms promise low, low prices for web design services, far too many companies learn that you get what you pay for. Many companies based outside the US simply cannot offer the services and quality of a home-grown business. When dealing with overseas companies, businesses need to adjust to time zone differences, which often make contact and meetings virtually impossible. Sending money to pay for services is often time-consuming and expensive. Wiring money and sending overseas transfers to pay for web design is not even always safe and can leave company owners vulnerable to identity theft.

Overseas companies often do try hard to compete on the global stage, but the truth is that any US company needing web design for the competitive North American and European market needs top quality. Many companies who hire overseas web design services often have to spend extra money to repair sloppy, ungrammatical copywriting. Unfortunately, not every offshore company can deliver professional web design – in many cases, fly-by-night overseas firms deliver amateurish, unusable work. After all, anyone can set up a company half-way around the world and promise design services. There is often no way for you to verify their qualifications.

Even when an offshore web design company tries very hard, the truth is that someone based half-way around the world simply cannot know North American marketing thoroughly. Even major companies are finding that their offshore outsourcing isn’t working – the experienced web design talent is simply not there. In far too many cases, companies look at the bottom line and hire these web design services only to realize after the fact that they need to pay to have their web redesigned all over again. Does your company really want to pay TWICE for web design services?

Before companies sign on the dotted line and hire an overseas web design service, they also need to think twice about the “deal” they are getting. In many cases, offshore companies offer an impressively low hourly charge, but take longer to finish a project. Even though a web design company only charges a fraction of its US counterpart in terms of hourly price, it can easily end up charging a similar amount, simply by taking longer to complete the same amount of work. Since your company could end up paying just as much for an overseas web design service, doesn’t it make more sense to hire a US-based firm and get guaranteed, quality work for the same price?

The biggest problem with overseas web design services is that offshore services come with no legal protection whatsoever. Laws are simply very different in other parts of the world and when a company decides to choose an overseas firm, they are in effect resigning themselves to no legal protection. If a web design company turns in a plagiarized product or a product that violates intellectual property laws, the company that hired the web design service will have a very hard time finding legal redress. Worse, it is the US company that may have to face the US legal system if any laws have been violated. In many cases, offshore companies operate only via email, which means that when there is a problem with a delivered service, there is no way to get a fast response. Companies may simply disappear when there is a legal problem. Buying offshore is buying “as is” – not the way you want to hire the web design services that will make your business succeed!

About the Author:

Ciplex is committed to provide the best services below market prices. Our Los Angeles professional web design company has real offices our clients can visit, and we have phone lines that work during US office hours.
Read more articles by: Ilya Pozin Pozin
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Article published on November 16, 2006 at

Picking Out The Best Web Design For Your Website

Companies who set up websites for the general public to view should choose their web design options carefully. One who sets up a website needs to ensure that the web design itself is as perfect as it possibly can be. There are a few ways in which the website owner can produce the most attractive and user-friendly web design possible.

The first tip website owners should take in mind when perusing web design concepts is what type of individual is going to be viewing their website the majority of the time. By recognizing one’s target audience, the website owner can ensure that the web design structure is one which is going to attract and impress all who set eyes upon the website. This provides the website owner and web designer with a good place to start with regard to the particular web design which is most suitable for the website.

One should also make sure that the web design is not too overwhelming for viewers. If there are a lot of pictures along with volumes of text on the webpage, the viewer has more of chance of being distracted and not receiving the specific message which the website owner is trying to relay. For example, if a website is designed to sell kites and the webpage revolves around vivid pictures of butterflies and crowded text, it may take away from the overall point of the website which is to sell a product to the online consumer. It is important to not go overboard with the web design of a website.

With that said, it is imperative that the web design is not drab. One will be much more interested in viewing a website that has color, some pictures and a good amount of text throughout the webpage. It is beneficial to ensure that there is a little bit of everything but not a lot of one specific type of thing in the web design format. This will help to ensure that the website visitor is attracted to the web design but not overwhelmed by the content or graphics.

The web design of a website should also be of a unique nature. If one has ever viewed multiple websites selling a similar product, they know how common it is to come across web designs of a similar nature. One who owns a website wants their website to stand out to the visitors and persuade them to return to the particular website for their products or content time and time again. One can make this happen by utilizing a web design that is unique and different from all others that website visitors may come across on the Internet.

Web design is something which can go in many different directions. Therefore, by following the previously mentioned tips one may be that much more likely to use a web design for their website which is sure to please all who come across it.

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You will find more from this author at: - Internet

Read more articles by: Joe Goertz
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Article published on October 13, 2006 at