If it’s true that most people have heard or used web sites, it is equally true that very few web design client seeking a web design company know exactly what to look for, let alone what is available on the web design market. As a web design company, you should take time and have a policy to explain the basics of a web design project right from the beginning. Most of our web design clients come to us with very little knowledge and confidence in web design options and solutions. Even those who do have some knowledge require advice on available web design solutions. So our first time web design clients will expect to receive down to earth, simple explanations, not only on available solutions but also on what they require in terms of web design solutions. The numerous benefits are mutual, both to your web design company and your web design client. Credibility, good clients’ relations with little conflicts, higher value sales, better web design solutions are just some of these benefits.
Your best chance of providing useful web design information is at the point of sale, right from the outset. If your explanations are genuine, simple and to the point, delivered in a courteous and professional manner, you have won half the battle. A client who feels supported from the outset is more likely to order and continue the relationship. Remember that a client rarely purchases a web site alone; he or she is looking for a solution and a good working relationship. A client who receives sound and credible advice from the outset clearly is likely to begin a long term relationship.
What is sound advice? Some hardcore salesmen have the habit of pushing products and services down a client’s throat or go along with the clients, whatever his or her web design conceptions. I have found that honesty is the best policy to secure a long term relationship. If you know a web design solution would not work as your client would expect, tell him or her. Some might take offence and disappear, but the genuine client who wants a web design solution that works will thank you for being honest, even if your view contradicts his or her conceptions.
Another important benefit of sound advice and a genuine discussion of the web design solution from the start is the avoidance of conflicts and disappointment later on in the project. Tell the truth and do not raise the expectation of the client too high at the time of order. If a web design feature cannot be implemented within the proposed price, tell the customer. He or she might be disappointed, but at least it will be short lived and you can still do something about it, albeit losing some orders to unscrupulous competitors. Once you have taken payment and started the web design work, it is much harder to correct any misunderstanding and the changes will cost you money and precious time.
So, be generous with your web design advice. The market is big enough for you to sow advice freely. You will reap genuine customers who will be grateful for simple, genuine web design advice. There is nothing better in the we design business that a number of good, loyal and long term customers who stay with your web design company because they trust and believe in your web design services and advice.
About the Author: Ralph Ramah is the webmaster of Discount Web Design, one of the leading web design company in the UK offering quality web site design and SEO services
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