To know more W3C compatibility first we should aware of W3C. W3C stands for World Wide Web Consortium established around 1994 and provides guidelines based on best practice, regarding how websites and web pages should be structured and created for long–term durability. The W3C validation is just a standard for specified machine language, checking web documents, spelling, grammar, syntax, and proofreading. The aim behind establishing W3C is standardizing the internet to make it compatible with every other system on the planet. For making a W3C compatible website you need to follow several rules and recommendations, W3C has developed more than 90 W3C standards. Regarding to web development, any language you can think of probably has a W3C Recommendation that can be used. HTML, CSS, XHTML, XML etc all have W3C standards.
What’s the need of making W3C compatible websites?
A website is made for representing your business or whatever you want to represent and that should be visible as well as accessible everywhere. Different-different people use different-different browsers like Mozila, Firefox, and Internet Explorer etc in their systems. If your website is not W3C compatible it may face some problems of accessibility in different-different browsers. Your website’s popularity is totally depends upon its visibility and accessibility. If your website is easily accessible from everywhere on each and every browser it means you can get more attention of users. It’s more difficult to change a W3C incompatible old website into W3C compatible website in spite of creating a new W3C compatible website. There are several guidelines to keep in mind at the time of web design and website development process to get a W3C compatible website.
Benefits of making your website W3C compatible:
1.Your website will be more easily accessed by people.
2.W3C validation helps you reduce the amount of coding on your pages thus emphasizing the importance of content.
3.Your website can be easily accessed from PCs, laptops, PDAs and cellular phones, etc.
4.Validation is fully compatible with a wide range of dynamic pages, scripting and active content and multimedia presentations.
5.Different current and future browsers will display pages in the same way.
How to check is your website is W3C compatible or not?
How would you know that your website is W3C compatible or not? The W3C web site has a number of validator tools for various languages that test your web page or document, and tells you whether it has passed as Compliant or not. If not, it will tell you the problems with your document, where they are, and what needs fixing. is such website in which you can check your website whether it is W3C compatible or not.
About the Author: jumphigher
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