Sunday, January 20, 2008

Web design - because first impression is the last impression

With the Internet defining success in the present scenario, to become successful it is necessary to understand its ways of working and to develop or upgrade oneself according to it. These days, all the business enterprises, whether large or small, have their websites over the Internet. However, the traffic or the users visiting their sites may vary. This is generally due to web design or the search engine optimization techniques that are used while creating it.

A web design is very essential to catch the attention of the users. This is why it is necessary to make a site attractive. User-friendliness, visual appeal, accessibility, professional look and content of the website are some of the factors that guide the preference of users to visit a particular site, when required. Web design makes sure that all these factors are taken care of by using graphics and Markup language on the Internet. The main purpose of web design is to market the services and goods that are offered by that website and to enhance the profitability of that business organization.

Before initiating the designing for your website, analyze which aspect of website design you would like to emphasise upon - simplicity, usability, functionality or its visual appeal? Once this is done, figure out who your target audience is. This will help you to create the website according to their perspective and will help you determine what it is that they are expecting from you.

For the right web site design, there are a few points that should be kept in mind. Layout and information are of prime importance in this. Layout will form the first impression of the users about the websites. So, the home page (which will be the first thing to be displayed) should be very impressive, professional and interesting, so that there is a curiosity in users to explore the site even more. On the other hand, content is what users actually look for. So, the content should be relevant and original. The entire site should be made very interactive so as to hold the interest of the Internet users.

The colors chosen for the website should be professional in appearance, and unusual colors should be avoided. The structure of your website should not be very complicated. The navigation, menu and sitemap of the website should all be very simple and easy to comprehend for the users. Attractive images can be displayed, but the loading time for the site should not be very long, otherwise the user will prefer browsing for other sites. The loading time of the site can be controlled by displaying small sized images. Another point is that every link that is given on the site should be directing the user to the right page; else it may exhaust and exasperate him/her.

To get a professional yet simple website design that is also search-engine friendly, there are numerous web development companies and web designers that can be hired to provide their quality services and ensure you a successful online business.

About the Author: Rob Bertholf CEO of Empowered Internet Solutions and inventor of the ZeppOS Total Site Management application, is an expert on Web Design and Content Management systems. Hawaii Web Design and California Web Design,Florida Web Design.

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