All the text that is entered on a page should come between body and /body tags. Container tags are body tags that tell a web browser what parts of the HTML document should be displayed in the browser window. The text which we enter in body tag technically should be in another container tag that is P that is paragraph tag. This tag is used to inform a web browser what text in document constitutes a paragraph. Following format is used in paragraph. Phere is the text for the paragraph/P. The paragraph container tells the web browser that all the text between the on and off tags is in a single paragraph in professional web design. When we start another paragraph the web browser will insert a line between the two. Break tag is used to end a line. The comment tag is fairly unique in that it is actually used to make the web browser ignore anything that the tag contains. It could be text, hypertext links; image links even small scripts and programs. We can hide text by using comment tag. The point in hiding the text is that it allows you to create a private message that is intended to remind you of something or to help those who view the raw HTML document to understand what is being done. That is why it is called the comment tag. The comment tag is not the most elegant one in HTML but it works. Anything typed between ! should be ignored by the browser. We can even ignore multiple lines. In HTML we can differentiate a portion of text from the rest of it by using header tags. These are container tags and range from level one to six. They allow creating different levels of emphasized headlines to help you organize your document and helps in professional web design. Like H1 and /H1 and so on. But one significant characteristic of a header tag is that it has the same effect as a paragraph tag, in that it creates a new line after it’s off tag. The web browser places the header text and plain text on different lines. Technically larger header tags should be used previously as per the HTML standard that is if H2 tag is used, H1 tag should be there somewhere before it. Very few browsers actually require it and developers usually use header tags to change the size of text for emphasis. But it is better to use header tags for true headers and only in a particular order for professional web design. There are few explicit tags often called as physical tags which specifically tell the web browser how the designer wants text to appear physically. The most common ones are those which mark text as bold, italic or underline and are frequently used in professional web design.
About the Author: Kyle Newton is a Professional web design and ecommerce professional with 7 years of experience in the web development and internet marketing field. He has developed total online presence systems and has helped establish many successful online businesses.
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