Thursday, May 8, 2008

How To Evaluate A Good Web Design Company By It’s Portfolio?

In this age of technology more and more companies are using the source of websites to promote their business. It is very important to make the right choice for the web design company that will shape your ideas. You must understand that this is very important step since the future and reputation of your business depends on this.

There are a few factors to consider prior to settling on a specific web design company to construct your new website. One of the most important factors is PORTFOLIO of that company. Portfolio means the previous work of the company already done. I will explain this in few steps.

• The company must have its own live website with the presence of portfolio and a good page rank.

• The company must have a good, attractive, catchy and user-friendly navigation website.

• You must notice the number of works in the portfolio they have already completed.

• Look carefully at each work in the portfolio. How many projects are similar to the one you are going to design from them? Like type of site, look and feel, technology used to prepare site, industry, etc.

• Estimated completion time another important factor to consider when selecting a web design company to design one's website is what their estimated completion time may be. This is helpful to know up front so the client can expect the finished work at a certain time.

• Compare the company’s own website with the portfolio of the company. If you found that company’s portfolio is poorer than the company’s own website then this can mean that the own site was prepared from another design company.

• Open each live website and notice the time it takes to load the home page. If it takes a few seconds then this will be great, the designers know how to optimize images. If it is a flash based website then few minutes to load will be fine.

• It is also important to consider the customer service skills of the web design company. The company must be client oriented. The company should response the client properly and must work according to the client requirements.

• References are a good source to evaluate the reliability of a web design company. You must request the web design company to provide the references of their clients. Try to contact all of the persons and compare their opinions.

So the above mentioned rules will help you great to choose the right company for your website.

About the Author
Nasir Mehmood is a Senior Web Marketing Executive at MechTechnologies. MechTechnologies is a professional web design company that offers affordable custom web site design and development.

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