Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Liquid Design: New Concept In Website Design!

According to design style, web sites can be divided in to 3 categories:

* Ice Design
* Jelly Design
* Liquid Design

Where as Ice websites are considered as rigid, the box that contains the content is fixed to the left. Jelly websites are in between the flexible and rigid websites. The box containing the text centered at any resolution thus maintaining equilibrium. Liquid web sites are the utopia of flexibility; it makes the site free from all constraints. The feature, which makes liquid sites as unique, is their capability to expand or shrink to the available space on the screen monitor. They are independent on browser, window size or on the resolution the user is using.

The term "liquid" signifies that a website should flow effortlessly whatever space is provided. Whether you use a high-resolution monitor, this may mean that you need to resize your browser a little, which most people in that situation do. The key objective of liquid design is to make a website more accessible and user-friendly. Liquid design is based on the fact that Web sites should be universally accessible disregarding the tools people use to view them. It should take in consideration the culture, language, disabilities and technical details hence; the idea of liquid design emerges.

Features of Liquid design :

One of the key advantages of liquid design is accessibility. Liquid design adapts to whatever screen resolution or device a user is working upon. It makes use of the entire browser window and so maximizes the amount of content being shown on screen at any given time. Liquid layout does have its downsides. Unlike fixed width design, you lose control over line length, flow and placement of page items. Line length in particular can create serious legibility problems at high resolutions when the eye scans back and forth repeatedly. In addition, the loss of control over layout means that it is very hard to lead the user visually to the content you wish them to focus on.

Features of Liquid design Layouts :

* It allows the maximum use of space and control of space in a window
* It allows the user to set type size while adjusting layout around that size
* It can be displayed on various hardware with different physical sizes

Demerits :

* It can produce illegible or hard to scan line lengths
* It can allow images to become out of proportion to resized type settings
* It can create serious issues when printing even cut off some content

About the Author

Published At: www.Isnare.com
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=77206&ca=Internet

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