Monday, May 12, 2008

Web Design And The World’s Largest Pen Knife

In the 28 edition, Guinness Book of World Records will present the penknife with the most functions ever presented. This new life has 87 different tools and performs more than 100 functions. The knife’s case is almost nine inches long by four inches wide and weighs about three pounds. As of this writing about 500 of the $1,200 Swiss made knives have been sold.

Web design is a bit like that Swiss Army knife. A properly developed website is compact and utilitarian. Your website can provide customers with multiple tools in a compact understandable design. The key will be to make sure access to the tools is simple and logical. Too many websites make the process more difficult than it needs to be and inadvertently repel potential online consumers who just don’t want to spend the time to figure it out.

I remember camping with family and friends and a Swiss Army knife was used to trim small debris from around the tents. Scissors were used to trim excess string and certain types of rope. The knife served many purposes and was routinely called upon to solve a variety of problems and most of the time it did. One knife I owned even had a small pen that could be used in an emergency.

Work at developing a site that solves problems instead of creating them. Think about the logical steps your customer base will use to locate items and search for data. The tools you provide your customers with will be the tools that may ultimately sell your product.

Web builder technology can be as useful to website design as Swiss Army is to knives. Because the software was designed from the best of current web designs it can provide as many tools as that world record knife.

In most cases web builder software can provide significantly more tools for both customers and website owner than more expensive web design solutions.

When you compare features you may be able to upgrade from a proverbial penknife to a much larger utility knife in website design. Unlike most of life’s options you really can do more with less. More website tools and possibilities for less money.

The growth of this sector of web design is important in that it dares to challenge the notion that only individual web designers are capable of completing a web design that can manage the needs of the individual business.

Perhaps the biggest reason many businesses do not look into web builder software has to do with a fear that they would never be able to develop the site on their own, no matter how many tools were available to them.

The truth is the actual building of the website is not significantly harder than developing a social networking site. It is fully explained online and customer support is available. In some cases you can hire a designer to work with you to develop the site if you are really unsure as to your abilities or if you simply do not wish to develop the site. In the end it is still an extremely cost effective solution to your web design needs.

About the Author
Get Small Business Website Design with or Web Site Design at Ebooks for ebook resale at

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