Saturday, May 17, 2008

Web Design Tactics To Success And Cost Effective

No matter you have any size of business, today it seems that having good and reliable website is really compulsory. This is for the company to have additional selling channel for its product and also has product information support to its clients. However, it is nothing to say more about the benefits of having website for the company because it is obvious that all of us know about these benefits. But the question is: How to get good website at a reason able cost.

However, sometimes the criteria of judgments to the success is only having good website or not. Many of business owner just ignore the importance of having a good corporate website just because of they do not have money to invest on it. Sometimes they think that having corporate website is a long term cost. They have to buy domain name, hosting, pay for website design and web master for the whole year but they may get very little impact on sale volume. In fact, the believe may true if they just can not get very effective products such as poor web designer and poor web hosting and it is not worth the investment.

However, the difficulty is not only to convince these business owners to have good and effective corporate or shop website, but it is obvious that they are lack of knowledge of these stuff. They may see the importance of having website but just do not know how to get the right start. However, even though there are many of service providers who provide many of good one-stop-shop solutions for customer, which including hosting, domain registration, web design and maintenance but these business owners still find it difficult on selecting the ideal service provide. And this is the reason why having website for shop and corporate still be very difficult for them to start.

However, for ones who can decide to get corporate website. It is their job to looking for reliable service provider who can offer good service. One of the most important criteria to consider service provider is the price of the service. Particularly for the small companies that has very limited budget for this. Comprehensive and careful consideration have to be taken into account. However, this may depends on the type of business too. If you the company wish to have website for just give support information, not for selling the products, the model and design of the website may not be complicated. But if you are the business who wish to have e-commerce website, you may have to consider the provider who can guarantee quality and the price in the same time.

As e-commerce website need more than beautiful design, it must has the stability and you have to make sure there is minimum downtime. This is because if the hosting that you choose has high downtime rate, you will lose a lot of customer and also a lot of sales and revenue. However, It fairly to say that the cost and quality of the service may not be in the same direction. If you expect to have better quality, sometimes you may have to pay a bit more expensive.

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