If you want a professional designer to help your build or custom your website, you must be prepared to get out at least a few hundred dollars from your wallet. However, if you know where to find the best deals, the best designs for the lowest price, then things can change.
Following are some guideless regards to website design issues:
First, you need to understand that it is a rip off to get companies to design websites for you.
If you ever see these newspapers, in the classify section, you may have noticed that some website design company 's ads, which offer a 5-page website at $500?
One of the reasons for them to charge high fees is because these companies are established with physical locations, so their operating cost is higher than those firms that do not have physical location. The fees you see is already included some overhead cost, like office rent, designer 's wages, advertising costs and so on.
Therefore, it would be wise to find freelance designers who work from home that do not have a high operation cost to help your build the websites. Some of them have really good creative and design skills, the quality of work they deliver just like those designers from big companies, so it 's a "no-brainer" choice.
However, when you choose freelancers, don't forget with care. The best way to do this is to go to elance dot com. In there, you can post the abstract of your project and you will get thousands of freelancers to bid on it, so get the best deal is not difficult.
On top of that, you can select and choose who you feel comfortable to work with based on their experience, past transactions and ratings; so your value for money will not be wasted.
Another cheap way to go is to design your website by yourself.
Think about it, if you only need 5 simple pages to display some simple information, why waste hundreds of dollars for it? Why don't just spend a little time sit down and do it yourself?
You should believe your capability and your own potential; it is not difficult to put up a 5 pages website. Believe it or not, you can design your own sites even if you do not know a single line of HTML code with the help of WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) programs, such as using Microsoft FrontPage, Macromedia Dreamweaver and some other website builder software.
In addition, to get things in order and let everything work well, you need to have a workable website design plan in hand. With have a well thought website design layout, you will be able to create a site that generates multiple streams of revenue for you.
If you don't have a well planned layout and just want to get the site up online fast, your site will not get a single visitor and it will fall into wasteland, also the webmaster will not be motivated to update it anymore and eventually your sites will turn into wasted cyberspace.
So to get a well planned site layout in place is essential, clearly define each major blocks' position will help you do better categorizing.
After you have a broader, better-defined scope of themes for your website, you can start to sell space on the pages to people that interested in advertising on your site. You can also put programs like Google 's Adsense and Yahoo! Search Marketing 's ads into the pages, and make some income if people surf to those themed pages and click on the ads.
As Internet becomes more widespread, advertising on the Internet will bear more results than on magazines or offline media. Hence, you should start to tapping into this lucrative stream of profit and get your website ready.
About the Author
Ann Liu, internet marketer and author of Online Profiting: Easy Ways To Start and Build Your Own Online Business. To learn how YOU too can succeed in Internet and affiliate marketing, please visit http://Marketingbyann.com
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