Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Importance of Good Web Design

The following rules summarize the work of web design experts who are completely familiar with all the aspects of web design. Heed their advice to avoid any web design surprises.

In designing the web pages for a website you should adhere to following rules:

1. Pages required: Your website must contain following pages:

* Feedback is necessary to obtain the suggestions of your visitors.

* Contact us is necessary to establish a relation between you and your visitors. You should provide your EMAIL so as visitors should feel that will be given full support.

* About us page should be included in order to publish the information about your organization. This information could be year of setup, country from which you operate etc.

* Home page should be included where links to all the other pages should be provided and the link to Home page should also be given from all the other pages.

2. Basic Ideas: Website is like an introduction of your company to perspective customers at distanced location. The products or services that you offer to your customers should all be displayed in a presentable manner. It is said that first impression is the last impression and your website is the first impression to your target potential customers. The impression created by your website in visitor mind is not enough to catch visitors attraction he will simply avoid your website.

Your Website must be:

* Neat which means that site should not be overcrowded with too many links.

* Organized means that the different contents from different sections of website should be placed in different pages.

* Attractive means that the color selection for WebPages should be as such that it should look nice. The background color should be light and the design should be able to catch visitor attention at first look.

* Truthfully, the only difference between you and web design experts is time. If you'll invest a little more time in reading, you'll be that much nearer to expert status when it comes to web design.

* Professional means that unwanted contents should be avoided and all like contents should be placed in proper headings in pages. At first site it should be able to show the visitor their interests for joining your website.

* Small size of WebPages means that too much flashy content in desire to make webpage look attractive would increase the size which will cause delay in opening at client site. And the visitors will simply avoid surfing these type of websites. So too much unnecessary flashy content should be avoided.

3. Message: The first question is why anyone should surf your website? If you are able to answer this question well your website will be definitely entertained by visitors.

Visitors always look at their interest in surfing your website. Remember most of visitors are not impressed free products and services. If you could offer following:

* Entertainment which may include games etc.

* Information which may include latest business news etc.

* Links to other interesting sites.

* Your website should be simple enough to visitors for search of products and services offered by you to them. And they should be able to order theses products and services at their convenience. Your website should also support large number of payment options. The popular payment methods are: Credit card, Paypal, Wire transfer etc. Adhering to any one payment option will cause the visitor to betray which will defame your organization.

4. Easy and Fast download: Your site should download on client site in a few seconds. Market research shows that the average number of surfer leaves a site that fails to load in 7 seconds. Fast download of our website at client computer will be possible only when you avoid large graphics and flash animations. The Home page of your website should not annoy your visitors with too much links and unwanted messages otherwise you may loose your visitors. You can also search for tutorial on how to increase speed of your website in search engines and implement in your website.

5. Website text: Choice of words does not matter what matters is appearance of words in WebPages. Dark texts in light background will be an impressive scheme while dark background unable the visitor to read the text. Those fonts should be chosen which are easily available on every computer. Some of fonts are: Times New Roman, Arial, Courier and Garamond. In the case visitor do not have required font installed on their computer your message will not visible n their computer and which will lose their interest in surfing your website.

6. Privacy: Visitors should get a trust on you that their private information is being protected by you from other visitor and does not allow for access and updating to other visitors. You should highlight your privacy policy and security aspects.

7. Spelling and grammar: You should be careful in text you write that you should not commit any spelling mistakes that will show your inefficiency. You should check it twice before finalizing the content for your website. You should not make grammatical mistakes as well.

You can't predict when knowing something extra about web design will come in handy. If you learned anything new about web design in this article, you should file the article where you can find it again.

About the Author

About the Author:

Hans Hasselfors is the founder of http://www.SubmitYourNewArticle.com. You may find varied web design articles in our article directory.

Article Source: Content for Reprint

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