The easiest way to make money online by working for only a few hours per week is to build a big website full of informative, interesting and original website content. A good plan is to have so much website content that any visitor interested in your websites theme has to come back over and over to check it all out! On the Internet, content is king!
So where can you get lots of quality website content without paying a lot of money? Well there are many options to choose from. Many article submission directories have tons of quality original articles written by other webmasters which you can use on your website or newsletter as long as you keep the authors resource box intact. It you are new to affiliate marketing this may be a great way to save time and effort in building your business.
Free resources like these free articles are easy to find content for a website and will help you make money much more quickly than if you were having to write everything on your own. Coming up with original website content every once a week or so is a good idea though, and this will boost your website rankings and word of mouth ratings.
Another way you can have unique content for your website is by buying Private Label Content also known as PLC. PLC content means any articles, ebooks or manuals that are allowed for free use by subscribers to use however they want. However, there are some things you cannot do with PLC content.
You cannot claim the PLC content as your own or use it for article submissions unless you rewrite the content so its a brand new article. Also, unlike free website content directories, you will have to pay a subscription fee.
Using PLC articles also have a very strong advantage of not having to add an author bio box, which always links to some other webmasters website and can steal your website traffic and customers.
With a PLC subscription, you will have around 10 to 40 new articles per month, depending a lot on the niche market you are promoting. These articles can really help you get off to a good start and earn serious cash with the affiliate program you choose to promote.
How can you get more out of PLC content you pay for? One way is to use the articles in a 6 month weekly email course where you fill it with only PLC content. Then just place ads for your products and services and let the thing run on autopilot.
One more way to make pure profit in the Internet marketing world is to use free website templates! Use these website templates to get the design out of the way and focus on your search engine optimization and adding quality website content every week. This will help you build your website traffic fast from search engines and other websites and gain you more sales and commissions.
Free stuff is easy to find on the web and with a few of your own ideas, you can have a brand new website up much faster than if you took the time to design your own or paid someone else to do so.
You will find there are tons of free website templates and website content out there and many affiliate programs and providing them to you free if you promote their products. Just be creative, use free resources and build your affiliate marketing empire one day at a time!
About the Author
George Watson is a successful Affiliate marketer and author. Read more articles to discover more ways to find unique website content at his How To Make Cash Online Blog and his Niche Affiliate Marketing website.
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