Monday, March 16, 2009

Cash Flow Solutions For High Quality Web Development

With the financial crisis comes a spending drought, most businesses are reporting declining sales and revenues. So how does a business survive? One obvious way is to cut costs, but if you don't promote your business you won't attract customers and the downward spiral will accelerate and get out of control ending in disaster.

Here is the dilemma; how to cut costs but increase sales and marketing activities.

The two don't go hand in hand unless you find more effective and affordable ways to market your products and services.

Most people have a web presence and whilst their site may look pretty or nice it does nothing to generate sales or increase productivity and revenue.

Most sites are just catalogues, in other words a big ad for your company with no interactivity for the customer or nothing really to make the customer want to buy or find out more or take the next step. This blog is not about the technical "how to" improve your site but rather a way to get the tools you need in affordable hassle free process. Danidweb has the experience to build your site with all the features you have always wanted and even those you have yet to dream about. As we have said it's not the "how to" aspect but the "how much" aspect.

So after you have convinced yourself to build your site or do a makeover of your existing site and you are now firmly convinced you need lots of functionality, like blogs, online shop, events, news, chat etc how do you justify the cost given the financial crisis?

Your first thought will be "all this will cost a small fortune", well that‘s the first myth, all these features are no longer expensive or out of the reach of small businesses. Your second thought will be even if it is more affordable I have to conserve cash, don't worry even big businesses are doing the same and getting a few hundred dollars budget has become a challenge.

DanidWeb has come up with a new EasyPay plan that allows you to spread the cost of your web development over 12 months thus saving cash flow and giving you time to build revenue rather than out laying all your precious cash up front and combine that with affordable packages your first thought should be when can I start? If you choose to go with another company why not ask them for an 12 or 24 month payment plan, there's never any harm in asking

Felix La Spina has been building websites for the world's top companies since the birth of the internet. He now offers that experience and skill to small business at extremely affordable prices. Contact Felix or at

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